About Dr Ehsan Natour

Internationally renowned heart surgeon

Dr. Natour’s Story

Dr Ehsan Natour is an internationally recognized heart surgeon who grew up in Israel. After completing his medical studies in 2007, he went off to work in Maastricht and Aachen, where he is currently working today. He is the co-founder of the Dutch foundation Stilgezet, which supports patients and their relatives through numerous activities and art projects – with the aim of initiating sustainable change in our “sick health system”. stilgezet.nl

Best Sellers

Dr. Natour Book Cover

When Life Comes to a Standstill

Creating a virtual tour to spread awareness on what a typical healthcare process looks like and to support changes to the system, to better the lives of all patients.

Dr. Natour German

Wenn das Leben stillsteht

German publication.

Dr. Natour Dutch Cover

Als het leven stilstaat

Dutch publication.


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Meet Dr. Natour

July 2022

Inauguration Symposium Neurosurgery • Maastricht University

Presentation Book and Extreme situation



July 2022

RAMBAM Hospital • Haifa, Israel

Presentation Book and Extreme situation